Operations Update: A Windy One
General Update:
Wind, wind, and more wind! The wind had a mind of its own over the past 5 days, changing conditions of terrain throughout the day depending on where it wanted to load snow. Lift rides might not have been the most pleasant, but that's what being an upside-down mountain will give you sometimes. For those that came out, good on you for getting after it.
During these extended storm periods, it is of the utmost importance to obey 4x4 traction laws, Passenger vehicles are required to have 4-wheel drive or all-wheel drive with snow tires and/or chains! If you do not have the right vehicle, please consider riding the UTA ski bus.
Operations and Terrain Update:
On Friday, March 1st we made the decision to close night skiing for the night, and preemptively call a day operations closure for Saturday, March 2nd due to wind gusts up to 70mph. This decision was made with the safety of our employees and guests at the top of mind. Night skiing was full of fresh powder on Saturday night, which does not happen often!
Sunday, March 3rd was a stellar day with 9” of fresh pow. The wind started whipping around 11am, but the hype was still high and there were fresh laps to be had all day long. All terrain was open, except for James Peak.
Monday, March 4th was full of more storm riding, wind, snow, and stoke were all whirling around. Woody’s and Powder Country closed for about 1.5 hours due to road conditions, causing unsafe driving conditions for the bus. James Peak remained closed.
As of Wednesday, March 6th we started the day being 100% open, until a power outage took out the resort in one felt swoop at 9:45am. All lifts besides Timberline and Sunrise were able to run off generators. As of 2:10pm, Rocky Mountain Power is still working to isolate the source and is uncertain as to when power will be restored. Night skiing has been called off for the night due to this uncertainty.
Snow roundup:
March 2nd – 7"
March 3rd – 6"
March 4th – 5"
March 5th – 4"
March 6th – 5"
Weather Outlook:
We will have a brief intermission from storm riding between Thursday, March 7th till Sunday, March 10th. More snow is on the horizon, use for all your winter planning needs.